
How Did Snowball Build A Fire

Satisfactory Essays

Chapter 3
1. The animals are having a hard time to work, since the tools used for farming are designed for humans not for animals.
2. Each animal did a certain job, the horses rake the fields and the pigs direct the animals on what to do.
3. Now the animals were able to eat their food with pleasure since they produced it by themselves and with their own effort.
4. On Sundays, there was no work, breakfast is an hour later and a ceremony is held, a green flag with a hoof and a horn signifying the future of the republic of the animals.
5. Snowball came up with committees to help animals and teach them how to work properly.
6. The committees that Snowball created was all a failure and all of the animals continued to behave like they were before, resulting nothing.
7. …show more content…

But the reading and writing classes were a success and by autumn every single animal was literate in some way.
8. Snowball read one of the seven commandments, “what’s has two legs is an enemy and what’s has four legs is a friend”, and says the wings of the birds are considered legs since there are not

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