What impressed me the most was that even though St. Barbara had lived a life where the one and only ruler was the emperor of Rome, she was a stoic woman who wanted to seek the truth about Creation. Her friend, Juliana, was a devout Catholic who fervently believed in God Almighty, along with her boyfriend and her friends. Whenever they would make an offering of incense for Rome, she was devastated when they told her that making such an offering means forsaking their faith in God. This leads her to question what kind of Almighty God would watch His followers die for His faith.
Nonetheless, St. Barbara does her utmost to dissuade her father, Dioscuro, from executing her friends, but is too late to save Juliana and she is executed as she says
“The Lieutenant Nun” is the memoir of Catalina De Erauso. At a tender age, Catalina was placed in a convent to become a nun in the future, which was a common way of showing loyalty to the Catholic church during that era. After fleeing at the age of 15, she worked numerous jobs disguised as a man. She portrays traditional masculine characteristics and embraces to a point where she would kill to defend her male honor. She writes about her time serving as a soldier in Peru and Chile, fighting for the spanish cause. Throughout the snippet of her story, there is a constant emphasis on the relevance of a relationship with God. When worst came to worst or even when success took place, De Erauso communicates
The way the narrator handled the situation with the curate was good. He basically told the curate to focus on the real problems and not to worry so much about God or his sins.
The audience in the arena serves as an audience for Perpetua’s martyrdom. This detail, describing the women, is meant to be persuasive and create empathy amongst the audience, for Perpetua and Felicitas. The readers of the story are supposed to feel sadness over the public humiliation of these women. Especially, because the public humiliation is the result of their strong belief in Christianity. This empathy may cause some readers to convert to Christianity because of the sadness which they feel for the events the women endured. Another way that this example can be used to persuade is by showing that no matter what difficult situations we are in, if we follow God, he will have our back. This situation was one of an immense amount of public embarrassment for the two women. But, because they trusted in God, the women found some sort of comfort in the situation and realized that soon they would be in a better place. Moments before her death, even when she knew what the next few minutes would include, Perpetua spoke saying, “Stand fast in the faith, and love you all one another; and be not offended because of our passion.” (20.13-14) Perpetua showed that no matter what, she was going to be the bigger
As the novel began, Maria Teresa was merely a child and she was seen as a very sweet character. However, the revolution turned things around for her whole family. She longer perceived certain things as positively as she would have just a few years back. She believed “that the sun was shining
Throughout the next few pages her views on Christianity continue to change, as she goes back and forth from having faith in Christ to revisiting her drug and sex crazed life. The meeting of a new preacher and visiting the Church from time to time guides her the way back to God. Towards the last few pages of the writing Lamott is visited by Jesus after illness following a recent abortion, evaporating all of her disbeliefs, fears and enabling her to gradually dispose of the things she felt was immoral in her life, ending with a solid and blessed foundation of trust and faith. Anne Lamott clearly expresses the highs and lows of her Christian walk, enabling the audience to grasp the variety of influences and furthermore illustrating that her spirituality is actually the tie that binds them all together.
Germaine never wanted to miss Mass even though she was in charge of the flock. When the bell rang for Mass at the Church of St. Mary Magdalen, she would pray and ask her guardian angel to look after the sheep while she was at Mass. The sheep never got hurt while she was at Mass even though there were wolves around. Throughout the Church, St. Germaine learned all about the love of God. One of the most important things she learned was that sufferings bring grace. All of the sufferings we must go through in life have meaning to God because of his great love for us. Perhaps it’s because everyone else was so mean to her that St. Germaine was able to see how very much God loves her and it was through the Church that
Later in the story, when her mom becomes ill and take Abuela to church, Constancia is forced to take her because "...Abuela absolutely has to attend Sunday mass or her soul will be eternally darned. She's more Catholic than the Pope." The experience of taking her grandma to church changed Constancia because Abuela got lost during church, and Constancia refused to help because she was afraid to get embarrassed so she left her. After church, she got her grandma but she was embarrassed. Later her grandmother says she made her feel like nothing, a zero. This experience showed Constancia that her actions and choices effect her life.
She writes “And here I cannot but take notice of the strange providence of God in preserving the heathen...”
For the longest time in her life, she reasoned with the final judger, and her redemption all add up to the spiritual plight that we all must take in life. Everyone may not all be Christians, but the journey of spirituality applies to everyone. We all must travel it at some point. We all know it, and that makes this story common to us all.
By physically seeing Jesus, it gave her an even stronger conformation that the experiences were valid and not from her imagination. The beauty was too indescribable not to be genuine. When she was questioned, she defended herself by saying,
As River held up the Saint’s head for all to see the women and children shrieked, the men grabbed up their machetes ready to defend. River shouted, “This is the Saint you celebrate? He is sinful and has done things beyond your comprehension. He has created monstrosities that can live forever, now I ask you, is that a Saint to be celebrated?” River realized they would not listen, so he walked over and placed the Saint’s head on top of a pole for all to see. He turned and ran for fear of what they would do to him; while he was not easily killed, he was still able to meet death with a beheading.
For Joanna, religion was a source of comfort that was pushed on her by her father. Joanna was raised by puritans and she lives her life with a constant subconscious fear of
The source On Marriage is a letter to a friend. It was written by Francesco Barbaro, a Venetian nobleman. In Barbaro’s letter, he is addressing marriage and his not married. I find it really ironic and unreasonable that he is addressing marriage to a friend, when he is not married. Barbaro wrote this letter to a friend who was getting married as an engagement present. In his letter he talks about the selection of a wife and the duties of a wife. He mentions that a young wife is more efficient than an older one because a young wife will listen to her husband and “easily learn the things her husband wishes.” Also, Barbaro outlines five principles that should be considered when choosing a wife; moral character, age, family origins, beauty, and
St. Agnes" told a tale of life, love, death, and eternal fate in heaven. These
The family is catholic and some different biblical events are used to symbolize different events that occur in the family. The mention of an angel coming to Mary to tell her she was pregnant (Chapter 2, page 11) symbolized how it took a miracle for the girl’s father to allow them to go to school. Maria Teresa gaining a soul (Chapter 3) symbolized how she came to be more of a woman and accepted into the family. It wasn’t until after her communion that she was accepted into Minerva’s circle of loyalty and secrets. The symbolism of Christ’s resurrection in three days (Chapter 10) was used as a false ideology and instead of getting a resurrection another member of her family was taken