
How Did The Great Depression Affect Canada

Decent Essays

The great depression had a major impact on a large number of people in Canada, and it also affected Canada itself. In this essay, I will talk about the economic hardships suffered by Canada and Canadians during the great depression (1929-1939). Also, I will talk about the ways the Canadian Government sought to help Canadians during the Depression. Next, I will talk about if they were successful in doing so. Finally, I will talk about why they were not successful.

The economic hardships suffered by Canada were very drastic. The great depression largely affected the Canadian economies.There was a widespread drop in world commodity prices. The Prices dropped because of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff signed by U.S President to raise all duties and tariffs on items entering the U.S. Which Meant that less items were being shipped out and businesses were losing money. For example, by 1932 Canada's per capita gross domestic product fell 34.8 percent. To be more specific; the price of lumber dropped 32 percent from 1929 up until 1932. That is 10.6 percent per year. Moreover, With the result of the Smoot-hawley tariff act it did affect a large number of farmers in the West. …show more content…

A major problem that affected Canadians was the 1929 Stock Market Crash; which resulted in unemployment to raise very high very quickly. Therefore, Canadians not having Jobs resulted in Businesses losing money because not as many people had money to spend on products to buy for their homes. Furthermore, another economic hardship they suffered was the province income dropping by 90% in just 2 years; that forced 66% of the rural population on to relief. Moreover, the economic hardships that Canadians continued to suffer through were: Bread Lines, Soup Kitchens, Living off government granted funds. Therefore there were a lot of economic hardships that canadians suffered and changed the way we live our lives

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