
How Did The Roman Catholic Church Influence Medieval Society

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For most civilizations, religious figures have had a large influence over the lives of the common people. The Roman Catholic Church was a very influential figure in many civilizations. It can trace its origins to over 2000 years ago. One of the Church’s most influential periods of this time was the Middle Ages. The Roman Catholic Church played a very big role in the lives of the people during that period. For many, it was the center of their life. The three most important impacts of the Church on medieval life were their secular roles concerning laws and their position over the state, the way that the Church unified Europe, and their power over the common people. In medieval life, the Roman Catholic Church had a large amount of secular power. …show more content…

The one thing that almost everyone in medieval times had in common was their religion. “The church was a stable force during an era of constant warfare and political turmoil. It provided Christians with a sense of security and of belonging to a religious community.” (Beck 370) Regardless of whether they were a king or a peasant they were united under the same faith. It unified the people and served as a cultural center. People would frequently celebrate sacraments in elaborate celebrations that would bring together the people. The sacrament of baptism is the official ceremony where one is made an official member of the Church. ("Seven Sacraments") At this point, one became a part of a very large and very prominent community that has a very large impact on their life. Under the feudal system, the people were greatly divided. Rule was localized and the people lived vastly different lives based on social status. Religion was one aspect of their life that was the same. Everyone would follow the same path to salvation. For many people, following the Church was on the center stage of their life. Since a large amount of the population had the same priorities, they became united under the Church. People would often worship together at a church. It was able to bring the people together even in a time of great social divisions.The Roman Catholic Church was perhaps the biggest unifying force in all of Medieval …show more content…

All Catholics were terrified of going to Hell after they died. They were told that the only way to go to Heaven was if the Catholic Church let them in. This led to total control over the actions of the people. “Man's life on earth was merely a period of transition on the way to eternal joy in Heaven or eternal damnation in Hell. It was, therefore, of great importance how he lived his life.” (Heinonen) Thus it was extremely important for citizens to appease the Church with donations or taxes. Some peasants would work for free on Church land. Every person was required to give the church 10% of their income in a tax called a tithe. The people were told that a failure to pay tithes would result in an eternity spent in hell. The Church gained wealth because everyone was afraid of what would happen if they did not pay the Church. Also, the only source for religious information was from the Church. If a peasant wanted to hear a Bible passage, they would go to their local church and ask a priest to read them something. Since religious texts were written in languages not spoken by the common people, the peasant would not be able to actually confirm what they were being told was actually in the Bible. This monopoly on religious knowledge was frequently abused in the Middle Ages. Furthermore, there were pardoners who would pardon sins for a price. They would then take this money to the Bishop. This was just another way

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