
How Did The Spanish Vaquero Influence The American Cattle Industry

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19 When Hernan Cortes conquered Veracruz, there were many Indians throughout the land. It was during this time that the Indians began to perceive men on horses as gods and the Spaniards used this to their advantage. The Spaniards created laws that prohibited Indians from riding horses but these laws were not feasible. The priests knew that these laws were not feasible because like the Spaniards, the priests, felt that they were above having to do the physical labor needed to take care of the cattle. At first, the Indians were used just for labor but the priests knew they needed to utilize the Indians completely. Ignoring the laws of New Spain, that prohibited Indians from riding horses, priests taught them to ride and work cattle.[footnoteRef:1] Eventually, the vaquero became a job that many Spaniards would take. It was a job of low social status but it was a job that was necessary to the cattle industry. The vaquero was a necessary component to the …show more content…

The vaquero?s roping techniques and the way he gathered his cattle are evident in today?s cattle ranches. Much of the same equipment that the vaquero used while taking care of the cattle that he was in charge of are the same as much of the same equipment used today by America?s cowboys in the cattle industry. Though the types of ranches have changed somewhat in comparison to the early missions and the early rancheros, cattle ranches today still depend on their cowboys just as ranchos depended on vaqueros. The modern cattle ranches would not be what they are today without the influences of the Spanish. The Spaniards provided the first cattle, the first vaqueros, the first saddles, and the first round-up. The Spanish were the foundation of today?s cattle industry. It was this foundation and influences that has made the cattle industry a billion dollar industry in

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