The Statue of liberty stands on an island in the New York City harbor. The people of France gave the statue to the United States. The French wanted to give a gift because of the freindship between the countries. France and the United States had became friends during the American Revolution. The Statue of Liberty took a long time to build. The French enginers had to find a way to make such a large statue. He used coper. Copper is not to heavy. On the outside, the statue is copper. Inside of the statue is a steal frame. Steel is heavy. The steel holds the copper up. The French brought their gift across the ocean in a large boat. There were 350 statue peices. These pieces were packed in 214 crates. Engineers and builders put the statue back together
This Statue represents Thirty-nine Baltimoreans who died in the battles Lady Baltimore commemorates. This occurred between Sep. 12th and 15th in 1814 and plans for the monument in their honor began not long after. This statue represents the city of Baltimore. During the weekend I went to visit the replica statue and made an evaluation. The texture looked to be smooth her dress looks to be loose fitting and draped there are multiple lines and her hair looks soft, the statue looks to be showing motion as she holds her arm up with a perfect balance. She has a crown that sits on her head, the color looks to be fresh and clean being as though the new statue is only 3 years old. I saw a lot of space around the statue. I thought the Statue looked beautiful and I am honored to have seen it. I also gathered information about the original statue it stands 52 feet above ground, both of the arms have been broken off over the years by a combination of wind and rain and also has ruined the statue's eyes, nose, and ears. Underneath the monument, there are 18 layers of stone which are the number of states in the union in
The Rocky statue in Philadelphia, PA serves as an iconic symbol that has shaped the image of Philadelphia, while demonstrating that location influences the way people see art. The statue stands tall next to the Rocky Stairs, and plants into the minds of the people ideas of inspiration, self-determination, and pride in accomplishment, which all help raise Philadelphia up as a proud and progressing city. It’s presence at the art museum also demonstrates the effects of location on a piece of art. Location works like a manipulation in that it influences the way people see the artwork. Would People look at the statue the same if it was next to a rundown building, or if it
The horse appeared perfectly balanced on his hind legs and was very lifelike. It was agreed that he would be paid $12,000 to execute the statue and the bronze would be provided. It took 2 years to make the plaster cast and a lot of trial and error. A statue of this size of bronze had not been attempted in the United States to that date. The bronze was from cannons which were captured by Andrew Jackson during the second war with England. The statue was dedicated in January 8, 1853 and placed in LaFayette Square in Washington, D.C. It is still there, directly across from the White House. Congress was so pleased with the delightfully original statue that they added $20,000 to the fee which had already been paid. With the mold already made, Mills was commissioned to make the same statue to be placed in New Orleans in 1856. A third replica was ordered for Nashville, Tennessee and dedicated in 1880.
Unit 3 Argumentative Essay Statue of Liberty. It was a gift from France to the United States in 1886 as a symbol of freedom and marketing the gift. It holds history, freedom, and wars, that it has witnessed. It’s being corroded, and someone needs to help it.
It is a very large piece made from Limestone. Limestone is a sedimentary rock which means it is formed by the accumulation of sediments, and it is very hard. The statue itself is not very detailed and is pretty simplistic. It is a statue of a human body. The statue is 71 in. (180.4 cm) which is
This paper in particular discusses two of the statues exhibited at the Power and Pathos exhibit at The Getty Center in Los Angeles. It analyses and compares the statuette of Alexander the Great on
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most well know symbols of the United States, across the world. For this reason I chose to analyze the dramatic effect it creates, and what methods it implores to invent this "universal" meaning. It is one of the strongest visual representations of the ideals which our country is founded upon. I intend to defend the argument that the Statue of Liberty posses the power of persuading human thought using the terms encompassed in Kenneth Burke's Pentad, shaping the definition of "America" for people through out the world.
Have you ever wondered how the Crispus Attucks and other patriots were honored? Well, there is a monument in Boston that honor those men and women who died for our rights. The Boston Massacre memorial statue is located in Boston Massachusetts. There is a great amount of symbolism included on the statute such as the women crushing the crown to defy the British rule and an eagle to symbolize the strength of America. This statue is an amazing memorial for the patriots that died for our rights.
Courage is an important skill in life that can take time to build up but will benefit you and your decisions in life. Risks are decisions you make that can have good or bad outcomes, investing in certain stocks can be high risk high reward or low risk low reward based on how you want to do it. Part of being courageous is taking the risks that others won’t, to push forward and find success. The short story “The Terror” by Junot Dias demonstrates that courage is taking risks others won't with the character change of the narrator throughout the story. This is shown when after the narrator gets jumped by 3 brothers and being scared of them for years he states “I hated these brothers from the bottom of my heart, but even more than them, I hated
About 3 weeks ago, President Obama appointed Merrick Garland, a chief judge in the U.S. Court of Appeals in the D.C. Circuit to the Supreme Court. This nomination followed after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia who was a political icon in the eyes of many conservatives. What used to be a more conservative panel of justices had turned into a 4-4 tie. The problem in this case is that it is likely for all the conservatives to support one side of a case or the same for all the liberals in the panel of the justices. If there is a 4-4 tie, the ruling of the lower court stands and in many ways, this could be unpleasant for those who fought hard for their case. To fill this void, President Obama knew he had to appoint that he believed who would be liked by Democrats and Republicans.
In the story “The New Colossus” it talks about the Europeans wanting to come to America and pursue the American dream. They had the belief that the Statue of Liberty, in this story she is called The Mother Of Exiles, is asking the countries to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States, she was the golden door to America, offering refugee to those who were seeking freedom.
America has a long history with people immigrating to America since the 1600’s. Everyone believes that America is this great country of hope and opportunity to have a better life where people arrive to accomplish their dream. However, others don’t have that chance. People who are citizens have a different life story, even though they do have to overcome obstacles, just like any immigrant. Frank Leslie’s illustrated newspaper entitled “an ocean steamer passing the Statue of Liberty” shows how the first Europeans immigrated to America in the late 1800’s. In this illustration, we can see by their facial expressions how excited they were to be in America, seeking a new opportunity in their life. So what does it mean to be an American? Is it to achieve the American dream? Yes, but it's not only the American dream. It means to overcome all the obstacles that an immigrant or citizen faces throughout their life in America, while showing respect to the flag and country that offers the opportunity they have been seeking.
City of God, is a film about the slums in Brazil, which demonstrate the environment of young teens in an urban population where high levels of crime are committed. Instead of giving them the opportunity to grow and become knowledgeable, the teens are being forced upon to stay in the ghetto and engage in illegal crimes. Education, was a privilege that was taken for granted in the hood, but it was a resource of social mobility. In Rio, the youth had to choose between an education or selling drugs on the street to help support their low-income families. The drug industry would open up increasing chances of economic mobility. The urban planning of government housing in the slums
As you know, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most prominent aspects and statues in France. This tall piece of beauty was built on March 31, 1889. It 's made of more than 18,000 iron pieces. The man who designed it was Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel and when it was first built his daughter climbed it and discovered there are 1,710 steps. Alexandre led the team that developed the plans and also designed the metal framework of another landmark the statue of liberty. Paris, France, where the tower is located and it brings a lot of tourists, thus causing a lot of foot traffic. When many people go to France, their main objective is to see the Eiffel Tower, as well as get a photo standing by it. “The tower is 1063 foot tall cast-iron skeleton equipped with elevators that has spectacular aerial views of Paris." At the present time, "The Eiffel Tower was built for the International Exhibition of Paris of 1889 commemorating the centenary of the French Revolution." (Corrosion Doctors, Eiffel Tower History). In 1889, an Exposition Universal (World Fair) was hosted by Paris to mark the 100th year anniversary of the French Revolution. "More than 100 artists submitted competing plans for a monument to be built on the Champ-de-Mars, located in central Paris, and serve as the exposition’s entrance". (, Eiffel Tower). There were many designs proposed to help the City Officials decide what the tower
The Statue of Liberty embodies American independence and freedom. These principles are the foundation of this nation and give its citizens hope for a progressive and promising future. The immigrants who saw the Statue of Liberty from their ship hoped to live out the “American dream”, which also promised a future full of opportunity. The symbolic torch Lady Liberty holds signifies the light of freedom, however, the broken chain lying around her feet depicts our shameful and repressive past. She stirs the citizens of this nation to be guided by her torch of freedom and warns them never to recede back into subjugation. The American people have the right to pursue the American dream, because of the independence and freedom Lady Liberty personifies. The modern meaning of the American dream produces images of the suburbs, two perfectly behaved children, and a Prius parked in the garage. Unfortunately, this materialistic and shallow dream guides the way Americans live today. In contrast, the American dream, faithful to the principles of our founding documents, ensure equality reaches every suburb, city, countryside, child, man, and woman. America’s standards have lowered and the nation has become too content with their counterfeit American dream. Money can now buy artificial happiness that does not last. However, justice and liberty remain and cost nothing because our predecessors paid for it with their blood and lives. The American dream our forefathers envisioned and Lady Liberty