
How Did The Us Limit The Soviet Union's Expansion Of Communism

Decent Essays

1. The United States tried to contain the Soviet Union’s expansion by sending troops to areas in which the Soviet tried to occupy and influence. For example, after defeating the Japanese, China was in a state of civil war between the Chinese Nationalists (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They Soviet entered the war against Japan and later gave the Japanese weapons to the CCP for them to have more power in Manchuria. Contrasting to the Soviets, the US supported the KMT and sent 50,000 US Marines to help the nationalists in September 1945. Later in December 1945, George Marshall became the ambassador of China. His job was to form a truce between the CCP and KMT, preserve nationalist domination in Manchuria, withdraw Soviet troops, and join the two parties together. At the end, Marshall’s goal was obtained and China was stabilized with minimal CCP influence. Back in August 1945, Soviets troops went into North Korea and in response the US sent troops into South Korea. Therefore, the North was led with communism by Kim II Sung, and the South with nationalist Syngman Rhee.
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The US tried to limit the Soviet Union’s expansion of communism in the Middle East and Mediterranean by protest and loans. The US and Great Britain protested against Russian troops in Iran because of the oil fields in the Middle East while the foreign ministers met in Moscow in December 1945. At the meeting, they also agreed that the day of Soviet withdrawal would be 1 March 1946. As Tito, the Yugoslavian communist, gains more control, he tries to obtain Triste but with protest didn’t. Lastly, the US loaned $25 million to Greece in order for them to stabilize their economy and prevent the communists from trying to take

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