
How Did Thomas Jefferson Shaped America

Decent Essays

Thomas Jefferson, one of the best presidents America has ever had. Some people believe he was evil for keeping slaves. But, even though he did that, he did more good than bad. He purchased the Louisiana territory, greatly expanding America. Even before he was president he helped America, he was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. Also after being president he helped by founding the University of Virginia.
Thomas Jefferson was a main factor in the birth of America. If it had not been for him we would not have had the same Declaration of Independence. Not to mention his persuasive voice while telling people his thoughts and ideas. Even more important than that, if it were not for him there might be no America. And this was all before people elected him as president. …show more content…

But, none were more important that the choice to buy the Louisiana Territory. It expanded America and started our journey west. If he had not bought the territory, America might have never gone further than the east coast. To think, he is the reason America is not only 13 little states.
And last but not least, after he was president. He did not stop trying to help America just because his presidential term was over. He went on to found the University of Virginia. It may not sound important now, but back then there were not many colleges. His founding the school gave many more people and option to go to college and get an education. It may have been the most important post-presidency action in history.
Thomas Jefferson was one of the best president. He helped America as much as he possibly could. And he did not let even time stop him. That is why, he is a great

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