Tom Sawyer changes a great deal from the start of the story to the conclusion. Tom has learned many things during the story that has caused him to change. He first changed in his attitude toward Aunt Polly. At first he thought that all she does is lick him and that she hates him. He thinks he is just being looked after by her because he has nobody else and she is his mom’s sister but he is wrong. When Tom goes missing he saw how torn apart she was and how she was weeping and how upset she was to see that he had vanished. He is shocked and happily surprised to see how much she cares for him. He changes to be grateful towards her and doesn’t take her for granted like he used to. Also when Tom sees the situation Huck is in with his mom dying
Huckleberry’s life is changed and influenced by Tom Sawyer, the widow, his father, Miss Watson, and Jim. Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry’s best friend, is a wild imagination often caused trouble for him and others. Throughout the book, Huck questions what he is doing, and wonders if Tom would do the same. He almost always decides Tom would agree with his decisions and be on his side. When Huck’s life completely turns around, he receives thousands of dollars and a place to stay with a widow from town.
Tom Sawyer is a book about a boy who has some crazy adventures. Tom also gets into almost of trouble through his adventures. Throughout the book tom changes and becomes a better person. This is how he changes and becomes a better person.
Tom lives with his aunt, and his mom and dad are dead, probably from a epidemic. Tom’s aunt “mothers” him his whole youth and is a good example for him. She tries to make a Tom a respectable man, and, by the end of the book, it seems she has almost succeeded. Huck’s mom is dead, but it is not revealed how. Although his mom is dead, Huck’s dad is abusive and a drunk. In the The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn you learn more about this, but The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is pretty vague, about his life. You do know that he is an orphan (because he ran away from his dad) and many times Huck’s lack of family hits him hard. "Aunt Polly, it ain't fair. Somebody's got to be glad to see Huck." (Tom Sawyer 17) Although both boys have broken families it makes them who they are and makes their heroism seem even more
Tom Sawyer was an immature, selfish, troublemaker. He tries to get his way and while others should do work for him. Until he saw the pain of others due to his actions. His mindset had changed and his judgement, which helped him get through the situation where he was lost in a cave with Becky, but luckily he decided to continue to look around instead of staying put and crying. He eventually finds a way out. Twain made a point that in everyone’s childhood they experience an event that creates a different perspective, concerning others as well. He finishes the novel off saying that the Adventures of Tom Sawyer is “ It being strictly a history of a boy, it must stop here; the story not go further without becoming the history of a man”(Twain, 260). The lesson are figured as a child, where we develop in order to become an
Who scares their aunt half to death? Who gets himself and his girlfriend nearly killed by starvation? Who fights a new kid in town because he doesn’t like the way the new kid dresses? Thomas Sawyer. Like Tom, I have changed throughout the year in a positive way. Different experiences have changed Tom, and I have changed both academically and socially through different experiences.
Throughout multiple exciting adventures and dangerous explorations in the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, we see Tom Sawyer mature. He matures through the love of Aunt Polly, Becky, Huck and other characters in the novel. In his search for treasure, Tom learns about personal accountability. Even in everyday life, we watch him develop from a boy into an adult. From a selfish young, mischievous lad, Tom becomes a sincere, kind and responsible young man.
He goes on many adventures with his good friends Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn, and believes in silly superstitions and incantations, all of which are very childish, but that does change. The main theme in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the theme of growing up. This means moving from the imaginative world of childhood to the realistic world of adulthood. Tom grows up in the story when he takes a whipping for Becky Thatcher because she accidentally ripped one of Mr. Dobbin’s pages in his anatomy book, he testifies against Injun Joe to save Muff Potter from being sent to jail even though he was innocent, and lastly, when he saves himself and Becky from starving to death in the cave by finding a way out.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” well as Mark Twain says lets get started this paper is about how me and Tom Sawyer have both changed physically and emotionally.Tom went through a lot in the book and his life at a young age so it changed him mentally and physically to change him into the caring boy we now know.I’m sure I haven’t gone through what he has but I’ve been in some rough situations.
Earlier in the book, Tom was not the type of person to care about what others felt. He only did things that pleased him regardless of the effects his actions would have on others. For example, Tom regularly got in trouble as he took advantage of Aunt Polly and did things he was nott supposed to. Tom did nott think much of his actions as long as he was satisfied. His understanding of the feelings of others changed after him, Huck and Joe go on with their plan to become pirates.
Another large addition to Tom Sawyer's character is his thoughts. Tom's thoughts were very interesting and were continuously changing. An example is at the first of the novel when Tom wanted to become a Pirate because they have a great life style, but later in the novel he decides that he wanted to become an Indian so that he could "tear through the woods to attack an English settlement" (115). After Tom tried to become a pirate and later an Indian, he decided that a pirate was better so he again wanted to become a pirate. Another example that Tom's thoughts were continuously changing is that when he went off to become a pirate he decided that returning to the town, after a few days of missing, on his funeral was better than just continuing to be a pirate; for when his first plans were to stay on the island and continue to be a pirate.
Tom Sawyer plays a huge role in both Huckleberry Finn’s life and the book. His character allows the reader to see Huck’s increase of maturity throughout the story. Tom is the constant, his immaturity not changing from the beginning to the end of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, while Huck is the changing variable. Tom’s head is in the clouds when we first meet his character. He imagines daring adventures of robbing Spanish merchants and rich Arabs, and we see Huck fantasizing over the same things as if they are reality. Tom’s justifies their actions constantly by saying “I’ve seen it in books; and so of course that’s what we’ve got to do,” (12). With Tom, everything has to be an adventure. Everything has to be a challenge to
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is a story of a young, mischievous boy who did not like punishment, school, or church. Tom Sawyer had learned a lot and had matured a lot by the end of the book. As a reader reads this book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer he will see that Tom Sawyer gets into a lot of trouble. Through this paper I hope to teach you that Tom Sawyer grew out of his mischievous ways eventually.
Tom Sawyer is an extremely selfish boy who only thinks of himself. Much of what he does in the beginning only benefits him. He’s considered a menace by the parents, and a hero to the children, but slowly, as Tom matures and does things to help people, he earns everyone’s respect.
Mark Twain’s book titled Tom Sawyer has great popularity. Twain is a famous American author known for his stories. 1876 is the year of publication of the book. Nevertheless, over the years there have been many editions of it. I chose the book because it is quite an interesting read since it presents the adventurous life story of a boy as he grows up. It is thus an adventurous book. His life and the manner in which he interacts with people around him are impressively demonstrated in the book. This paper is a book report on this book as authored by Mark Twain.
Tom Sawyer is a complex character that represents the journey from childhood to adulthood that we all have experienced. The character development that Tom goes through during The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is long and sometimes inconsistent due to the episodic nature of the novel, but his character traits remain along with the overall message. Throughout the story, Tom Sawyer's main characteristics/traits become apparent within the first few chapters. Tom Sawyer is mischievous, envious, and adventurous.