
How Did Victoria Steal?

Decent Essays

Victoria ran as fast as she could, knowing they were close behind her. She knew it was a bad idea to have stolen it in the first place, but she did what needed to be done. Crouched behind the dumpster she watched as he ran past, still searching. She would be safe here for now.
Stashing it under the loose floor board, she then locked all of the windows and doors in her house. She knew he would arrive soon. Crash! The sound of a window being broken on the other side of the house. Sooner than she thought. All she could do now is load the gun and wait.
Heavy footsteps slowly made their way up the stairs. Hands shaking, she prepared herself. The door opened cautiously and he stepped into the room. This was her chance, aiming the gun straight at his heart she pulled the trigger. His body fell limply to the floor. It was all over, she had finally killed him.

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She hides behind a dumpster, and she is safe from the mysterious man. I would like to know who is chasing Victoria, and what did Victoria steal. I would also like to know why Victoria stole an item. In the second piece, Victoria hides the stolen object, and loads a gun. I would like to know why Victoria is hiding a gun, and why is there a man breaking into her house. In the last piece, Victoria kills the mysterious man. I would like to know why Victoria murdered the man, and how she felt in that moment. In the first piece, the conflict is that somebody is chasing Victoria because she stole an unknown object. The author can describe the person chasing Victoria, and describe the stolen object. In the second piece, she hides the stolen object under the floorboard, and a window breaks on the other side of the house. The writer can explain why a man is breaking into Victoria’s house, and why does she hide the stolen object. In the third piece, the man heads up the stairs, and enters the room. The author can describe the reason why Victoria has a

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