
How Did Walt Disney Succeed In A Free Enterprise System

Decent Essays

Succeeding In a Free Enterprise System

The first thing an entrepreneur needs to do is think of an idea. They have to be on top of their game to be able to hold so many ideas in one sitting. After all the ideas are thought up and finished, it's time to act on them. Many entrepreneurs may use what they call, a free enterprise system to start or finish up their businesses. This economic system consists of business activities with little to no little government involvement and products, prices, and services are determined by the market. For example, you can own private property, build an industry or building and hardly any profit goes to the government. Walt Disney was a man of many dreams that eventually came to life with his hard …show more content…

It wasn't a happy environment for the children of that family. "Young Walt found an escape from his father's brutality through drawing. With pen and ink, he created his own little fantasy world where life was always beautiful, people were always happy, and, most important, he was always in control."(Entrepreneur website) Through all of the hardships and stress on walter as a child, he always seemed to look at the brighter and lighter things in life. Disney made it known that he wasn't to be alone in his happiness. "It wasn't until he moved to Los Angeles in 1923 and teamed up with his shrewd and kindly older brother, Roy, who took care of business for him, that Walt began to modestly prosper."(Entrepreneur website) Walt Disney already started to prosper through the free enterprise system, taking care of things within a market economy setting his own prices and his own dealings with other people and not the government. Although he may have been ripped off from not knowing better about certain businesses, he wasn't going to let it happen again for he had an even bigger plan up his

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