
How Divorce Affects Children

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How Divorce Affects Children
When a person starts considering marriage, that person is looking for the marriage to last for a life time. That person thinks that they have found their soulmate in life, the person they want to spend eternity with. Maybe one day start a family with and start a life of their own together. What someone thinks is the perfect marriage or perfect relationship for them could turn out to be the exact opposite. What they thought was a nice a person turned out to be an abuser or someone that was not ready for a big commitment like marriage. Therefore, their relationship turned into a divorce. About 25% of the children in the US live with a single parent (1 Bernet). Now if its just the two adults in the relationship, …show more content…

When there are children in a family that is involved with an abusive parent, it would not be as hard for the child to not like that parent. As William Bernet says in his “children of high-conflict divorce face many challenges” article, “a child might refuse to have a relationship with a parent who previously was abusive or neglectful or who abandoned the family” (1 Bernet). When a child see’s the abuse happening in the home, it could make them feel scared. If a child is in fear of a parent because of the neglect or excessive sight of conflict, then the child will not at that parent as a role model. Therefore, that child would not be hurt by the parents getting divorced. Then there is co-parenting. Even though some couple’s do not want to be married any longer, if they have a child they must co-parent. Co-parenting could be hard for some families, but for others it is for the better. In an article on co-parenting by Julia M. Bernard, David P. Nalbone, Lorna L. Hecker, and Suzanne E. Degges-White talk about, Bowman and Ahrons noticed fathers with partial custody tend to be more involved with the child then non-custodial (3 Bernard, et al.). When the parents are married, one parent may not help with the child’s needs as much as they should, leaving the other parent to do all the caregiving for the child. The parent with less concern for the child’s needs knows that whether he or she does anything supportively

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