
How Do Drugs Affect The Bahamas

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Mandatory Minimum Sentences
In the 1986 the Anti-Drug Abuse Act was enacted by congress, America found itself in fear of raw violence that the narcotic Crack Cocaine was having on our nation. Crack is believed to have originated in the Bahamas in 1979 when there was an oversupply of cocaine in the world. Since it was so cheap to get cocaine Drug Dealers found a way to be able to make more money by “cutting” the powder cocaine and making “rock” cocaine. This new trend “Freebasing” ran vapid in the Bahamas and eventually making its way to the Caribbean and United States. Because this was cheaper and more addictive than Cocaine powder the drug dealers began to push this new drug in the streets and this in turn began a slew of crime and violence …show more content…

(1) The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 which congress passed was a remedy that would end the on slot of crime and Violence which was becoming ramped in city streets and spilling over to urban neighborhoods. The enacting of these laws were the direct results of the mass prosecution of American Minorities with African Americans defendants being charged with crack offences, while white offenders were usually indicted on powder cocaine possession, Because making the sentencing for African Americans harsher than that of their white counterparts. (1) The sentencing disparities were broken up in tiers between crack cocaine and powder cocaine the inequality of sentencing was for example If an African American is arrested for possession of 5 grams of crack his sentence is will start at a mandatory minimum sentence of (5, 10, 15) years in prison where as their counterparts 500 grams of powder (5, 10, 15) years in prison. The difference is astronomical and would the main contributor to the pandemic of mass incarceration of minorities. Judicial Racial bias keeps more people of color in prisons and on probation than ever before a direct result of …show more content…

The Sentencing inequality for Criminal penalties like possession and sale of powder and crack cocaine are severe. Even with recent federal reforms of crack sentencing laws, much higher penalties still exist for possession of crack and sale of crack, despite the fact that it is the same drug as cocaine. Possession of 28 grams of crack cocaine yields a five-year mandatory minimum sentence for a first offense; it takes 500 grams of powder cocaine to prompt the same sentence. The disparities in the sentencing guidelines for cocaine are unconstitutional and should be changed due to the sentences inequality that it has made in our legal system. Many judges are held hostage by the laws that were enacted 1986 and have spoken out about the inequality of sentencing guidelines even then Chief Judge Lyle E. Strom of the District of Nebraska wrote that “the evidence is clear that the cocaine molecule is the same whether the drug being used is powder form or in crack form, and is not inherently more dangerous in crack

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