
How Do Relationships Turn From Love To Hate In Othello

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How do relationships quickly turn from love to hate? In Shakespeare’s “Othello”, Iago seeks revenge on Othello through his relationship. In the play Iago does not get the job he wants, and Othello gets convinced his wife has cheated on him. Love can turn to hate through jealousy, rumors, and lies. Both Iago’s relationship to Othello and Othello’s relationship to Desdemona have turned from love to hate through jealousy. “‘I have already chosen my officer.’ And what was he? Forsooth, a great arithmetician,” Iago not getting the job he wanted, becomes jealous of Cassio who he thinks does not qualify for the job. The situation gives Iago a reason to hate Othello and strive to get revenge on him. Othello even says “All my fond love thus do I blow

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