
Jealousy In Othello Essay

Decent Essays

In Shakespeare’s play “The Tragedy of Othello” he introduces the theme of jealousy. This theme is introduced in Act 1 and Act 3 of the play by the character Iago. In Act 1 and Act 3 there are three instances where the characters make poor decisions because of jealousy. Whether it is through job rankings or through love, these characters do not trust each other. This theme appears in three unusual ways. The first is through Iago’s hatred towards Othello due to a missed military promotion, the second is that Iago hears lies about Othello and his wife Emilia, and the third is when Othello is jealous of Desdemona and wants proof of her infidelity.

In Act 1 scene 1, lines 16 through 28 Iago says “That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle knows More than a spinster; unless the bookish theoric, Wherein the togèd consuls can propose As masterly as he. Mere prattle, without practice Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had th’ election; And I-of whom his eyes had seen the proof At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds Christian and heathen-must be beleed and calmed By debitor and creditor.” So, here Iago has stated that he hates Othello because Othello passed him, over for a preferment, giving one Michael Cassio the job as his military replacement instead. Iago …show more content…

Think’st thou I’d make a life of jealousy, … No, Iago, I’ll see before I doubt; when I doubt, prove; And on the proof there is no more but this: Away at once with love or jealousy!” Here Othello is declaring that he will not let jealousy consume him when it comes to Desdemona. In the beginning of this quote he considers himself lucky, that she has chosen him. But later on he reveals he may be suspicious towards his wife, and wants proof of her being unfaithful. He could easily dismiss Iago’s lies, but due to jealousy thinks it might be

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