
How Does Alcohol Stay In Your System

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How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System

Most people like to enjoy a drink or two with friends, but sometimes individuals have a little too much. There’s plenty advice out there about how to sober up before leaving the bar or a party, but many people don’t realize how long alcohol can stay in your system. In fact, you could think that you’re sober and still have enough alcohol in your body to test positive for alcohol.

The best way to stay safe and avoid legal penalties is to understand how your body processes alcohol and know how long alcohol stays in your system.

Understanding How Alcohol Is Processed

Alcohol passes through your digestive system, but it actually requires very little digestion. After drinking alcohol, 20% of the substance …show more content…

While people may become intoxicated at different rates, a healthy liver will metabolize alcohol at the same rate regardless of a person’s ethnicity, sex, or weight. On average, a healthy liver will metabolize one ounce of alcohol every hour.

While the liver generally metabolizes alcohol at a consistent rate, there are factors that do influence how quickly alcohol leaves your system – and how quickly you become intoxicated.

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As a result, there are multiple tests that can measure how much alcohol is in your body.

1. Blood: The presence of alcohol can be detected using a blood test for up to 12 hours.
2. Breath: A breathalyzer test can detect alcohol for up to 24 hours after your last drink.
3. Hair: Alcohol can be detected in your hair approximately 90 days after drinking.
4. Saliva: Alcohol can show up in your saliva for one to five days.
5. Urine: Alcohol usually stays in urine for 12 to 36 after drinking. However, an advanced urine test, known as Ethyl Gluconoride (EGT), can detect alcohol in urine for three to five days after the last drink.

Regardless of what you’ve heard, there is nothing you can do to speed up how fast your body processes alcohol. Drinking coffee or water, taking a shower or a walk, and even vomiting won’t do anything to help you sober up. The only thing that helps is giving your body time to do its job and naturally process and remove the alcohol from your system.

While many people enjoying drinking socially, some people might drink to excess. If you or someone you love is struggling with an alcohol problem, please contact the friendly and knowledgeable staff at HARP Treatment

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