
How Does Atticus Show Courage

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Acts of courage are everywhere but no one really pays attention them. Courage is a recurring theme in the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Atticus, Jem, and Boo are some of the characters in the story that continuously show acts of courage throughout. Atticus defends a colored man in the court of law, Jem laying hands on the terrifying and dreaded Radley house, and last but certainly not least Boo Radley Shows the most courage when he ends a man's life to save Jem and Scout.
Atticus Finch a single father of two very outgoing and ambitious children, Jem and Scout Finch, shows many acts of courage but one really stands out. Atticus defends a colored man in the court of law. In the southern area Maycomb, Alabama. …show more content…

Boo had a million rumors spread about him that were never even true but he was so shy to show everyone the real him. So even though he was never seen he was always there keeping an eye out for Jem and Scout. Believe it or not Boo was actually a very caring and compassionate child but never had the nerve to express that part of him nor would anyone even get close to him. While Scout and Jem were walking home from Scout’s previous play at her school Jem thought he could hear someone following them, and he thought right. Mr. Bob Ewell the towns scum jumped out at Jem and Scout insanely drunk and nearly tried killing Jem he did brake jem’s arm and knock him unconscious but before he could do any more damage to Jem and any damage at all to Scout Boo Radley stepped in. All Scout heard was a lot of moving and low sounding noises and then Bob Ewell drop to the ground. Boo had used the man’s own knife against him and ended his life. Boo was a very caring and compassionate character but never knew how to show it but once it came down to Scout and Jem’s lives he finally had the courage to come out and save them and from then on was appreciated very much by the Finch family. “Thank you for my children Arthur.” (Lee

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