
How Does Charlotte Bronte Use Imagery In Jane Eyre

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Jane is a strong emotional character who we experience in first person narrative. In Jane’s early childhood, she is isolated and treated with cruelty while in the care of her aunt. Her emotional nature is expressed in the novel through the use of imagery and Jane’s conscious thoughts. Whereas, in the film emotions are expressed through close-ups, facial expressions and landscapes.
Jane is desperate for love and therefore her vibrant passion creates her vivid personality. Charlotte Bronte’s writing style is complex, and emotion filled. Her sentences are contain numerous adjectives and sensual images. Brontes unique style is powerful and strong and filled with emotion and imagery as we captures in the life of Jane eyre. Jane is a strong willed and a strong-minded individual which shines through even at her earliest years. Living a Gateshead, Jane displayed her strong nature. For example, Charlotte writes about Jane after she was hit by her cousin, “my blood was still warm; the mood of the revolted slave was still bracing me with its bitter vigor." (p. 22) …show more content…

The image is emphasised when Charlotte writes of Jane's feelings for Rochester as "fiery iron" and "blackness and burning". These figurative images of a fire portray to the reader the intense passion that Jane has for Rochester. Fire is image that Charlotte writes about throughout the novel and Jane is repeatedly involved with fire. Jane saves her master from the blaze of fire in his bedroom that is used to describe her emotions and the final fire that destroyed Thornfield Hall symbolises first sinfulness, then rebirth. The passionate love that Rochester and Jane had was sinful which was scampered by the images of

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