
How Does Elie Wiesel Change In Night

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In the non fictional story Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie Wiesel tells his autobiography about when he went through concentration camps. The story takes place during World War Two, when Elie is 15 and 16 years old. He is forced to leave his home in Sighet, Transylvania. Elie goes to three concentration camps called Auschwitz, Buna Buchenwald. Throughout the story, Elie changes spiritually, physically and emotionally. Throughout this time period, Elie changes spiritually. In Sighet, he was a very religious Jewish male. Young Eliezer studied Kaballah under the direction of Moshe the Beadle. Many people thought that Moshe was crazy. An example of how Elie changed from being religious in the concentration camp was that he did not even fast on Yom Kippur. Fasting for a day can easily mean death while in the camps. Many people in the concentration camp, there was a big debate whether people would past or not. He decided to not fast not because he couldn’t, but because he was mad at God. “I did not fast. First of all, to please my father who had forbidden me to fast. I no longer …show more content…

At the beginning of the story, Elie was a physically normal and healthy person. If he would not have been in good shape, he would have been killed but, “The baton pointed to the left.”(Page 32) At that point, nobody knew what the baton pointing either way meant, but the strong, healthy people that were willing to work were pointed to go to the left to work for the Germans. During the story, he hurt his leg. He had to get surgery to fix it. Before he was supposed to leave, the camp became evacuated. Elie had to then do a “death march” with a very hurt foot. Elie, a boy in his teens physically should get stronger, taller, and bigger. During the holocaust, people such as Elie did not get enough to eat, so he physically did not get to his peak. He was physically not alright because of how skinny he was, not allowing him to

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