
How Does Elie Wiesel Change In The Book Night

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In the novel, “Night”, Elie Wiesel is ripped from his childhood and thrown into the horrors of the Holocaust. Elie’s perspective gives us a view into the horrendous truths of the Jew’s treatment in the concentration camp. Throughout his journey from his house, to Auschwitz, to eventually a work camp, Buna; he begins to change mentally. One of the most heartbreaking and disturbing transition is his change in faith and the way he sees a benevolent God. In chapter 1, Elie and his father, mother and his three sisters live in a household peacefully. Elie is devoted to faith, and cannot imagine living without it. When asked why does he pray, he answers, “Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why do I breathe?” (pg. 4, ‘Night’). This shows that Elie’s love for God is unconditional, and he …show more content…

Elie wants to be more in touch with God, and learn more about him, “One day I asked my father to find a master who could guide me in my studies of Kabbalah,”(pg. 4) and he eventually finds Moishe to be his teacher. It even could be said that Elie cries when he prays because he is in awe over the majesty God has created; which is proof in this quote, “´Why do you cry when you pray?´, he asked, as though he knew me well. ¨I don't know, ¨ I answered, troubled. I had never asked myself this question. I cried because… because something inside me felt the need to cry.¨ (pg. 4). Then, in the spring of 1944, Elie´s world is suddenly shaken by the arrival of German soldiers. At first, these soldiers are neutral, but during the eight days of Passover, the Germans arrested the leaders of the Jewish community, and on top of that, Hungarian police burst into every Jewish home and forbade any Jew to own gold, jewelry or any other valuables. Three days later, all Jews are forced to wear the Star of David on their clothing. Then after this instance, two ghettos are created in Sighet. Then, two weeks before

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