
How Does Gogol Analyze The Nose '

Decent Essays

.In the story “The Nose”, Gogol has a creative way of pacing the story to create mystery thus keeping the reader engaged and intrigued. Pacing is a rhythm at which a scene moves. It is important that Gogol did not give too many clues and twists to quickly, it allows the unlocking of the mystery to be fun for the reader. It was equally important that he did not move too slowly helping the reader keep interested in the story. In “The Nose” the consistent way Gogol moved the story along, with just the right amount of suspense, humor, and quirkiness allows the reader to really enjoy this unique story. In the beginning of the story “The Nose”, the story seemed quite normal. Ivan Yakovlevich was enjoying hot rolls first thing in the morning and found a nose in his roll. The humors part was he …show more content…

Calling her husband names she demands him to get rid of the nose. The suspense builds as he walks through the city trying to figure out how to get rid of the nose, running into different obstacles. The author makes you actually like Yakovlevich, hoping he can figure out what to do with the nose. The author does a great job keeping the story going, from scene to scene you can see his moves. The description of Yakovlevich allows the reader to have a vivid picture of who he really is. The story continues to move around as Yakovlevich continues in his quest to get rid of the nose. A police officer even questions why he was on the bridge and demands that he comes clean! He offers to shave the officer several times a week, but the officer humbly declines, asking again what Yakovlevich was up to. Then the author moves on to another important character Collegiate Assessor Kovalyov. Continuing to keep the readers questioning the story, the pace continues. As Kovalyov woke up for the day, he was shocked to feel that his nose was

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