
How Does Guy Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury the main character, Guy montag, undergoes some profound changes. In this essay response I will discuss these changes as the plot unfolds through references to pot events and characters.
Montag meets Clarisse, his 17 yr old neighbour, while walking home from work one late night. He finds it strange that she is outside so late and realizes her way of thinking is very different to his own. She is carefree and non conformist and more interesting in tasting the rain than driving fast in the beetle. She is unusual and he is a little put off by her peculiarity but he finds her alluring and he starts to question his ideals and happiness, he sees how she is actually happy and he begins to wonder about his own life and they way he lives …show more content…

He seems worried and asks Mildred if she knows anything. Mildred says she thinks CLarisse got run over and seems unperturbed by it.. Montag however is deeply affected and comes down with a fever and does not go to work. This shows us he is gaining empathy, since no one else seems affected, and he demonstrates caring, awareness, and an attachment to another person, something no else seems to be as everyone else seems to be detached. At this point in the story Montag’s character is moderately different than it was at the beginning.
Beatty visits and montag learns more about the history of firemen and books - reading fell out of favour, original firemen didn't burn houses down - montag has to make choice - rebel more or step down and go back to normal. Montag does not want to be cloistered and can't go back to average; subconscious becomes conscious choice to rebel.
Montag goes to find faber - rebelling on purpose, faber strengthens montags belief that books are important, agrees to help montag bring down the firemen. - Montag is actively working against society norm, illegal activity, has fully decided to

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