
Why Did Guy Montag Change In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

In class we read Fahrenheit 451. The main protagonist of the story, Guy Montag grew as a character as well as a person through his own personal qualities. In the novel Fahrenheit 415 by Ray Bradbury the oppressive society ultimately leads to freedom through curiosity, knowledge and rebellion.
The rules and lifestyle of Montag`s society are all he has ever known and being a fireman there are even more restrictions but by the end of the novel Montag freed himself from his controlling, brain-washed and close-minded society. One of the main reasons why Montag changed throughout the novel was because of curiosity. Montag starts questioning everything he has ever known, his job, lifestyle, relationships and everything else in between. He starts …show more content…

While questioning the situation he is in, Montag`s sudden interest in books has increased and he asks Beatty ``Was-was it always like this? The firehouse, our work? `` showing his curiosity. Montag`s curiosity is the main reason why he wants to know as much as possible about society, books and the way everything used to be in the past. Being a fireman it is only natural for Montag to question everything since he does burn books for a living and not once has he ever been told why books need to be burned. Obviously Montag wants to know why books need to be burned because has been destroying an object everyday but the only thing he has been told is how important his job is not why it is mandatory to burn books. Beatty tells Montag not to be too curious because that is not good ``A natural error, curiosity alone`` Beatty also says to Montag ``Listen to me, Montag. Once to each fireman, at least once in his career, he just itches to know what these books are all about. He just aches to know. Isn`t that so? `` Beatty tries to explain everything to Montag, he says that curiosity is a natural emotion that is embedded within us all. Beatty even takes it a step further

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