
How Does Holden Spot A Phony

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Do you know any phonies in your life, or ever just spotted one, without even talking to them. In the “Catcher in the Rye” Holden knows many phonies and even spotted some of them out. He even have Phonies in his family and have phony friends. Holden hates phonies with a passion, because they are so fake and lie about the stuff they have or they way they act to certain people. Holden can spot all these phonies, but the truth is he’s just a phony himself. Phonies are pretty much everywhere, they are really easy to spot if you pay attention to their actions. We all probably know one too, they can be in your family, a close friend or a best friend. Anyways it’s easy to spot a phony, one way to spot one is by the way they act around certain people.

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