
How Does John Proctor Change In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Identify a character in The Crucible that undergoes a major change. What is this change? Explain the importance of this change. While there are many characters in The Crucible that undergo a major change, none play as big a role in the final outcome of the story as that of John Proctor. John plays as much a role in the story as that of Abigail, struggling to show the court that the accusations of witchcraft made by the girls are fraudulent.

John Proctor is a unique character in that he is present in every act, and almost every scene throughout the play. This allows a reader to follow John throughout the story, seeing how he changes gradually as the story progresses. In the beginning of the story, it is not clear as to what John’s true desires are. In his initial interaction with Abigail, he seems to talk down to Abby, making it appear as if he simply was entertaining Abigail's yearning desires. This conversation also reveals that Proctor previously committed adultery with Abby, and while he now refuses her advances, he does not seem very devoted to his course of action. …show more content…

John learns that his wife has been accused of witchcraft, with Abigail being the one who made the accusation. On some level, Proctor knows that the accusation against his wife is his fault. He rebukes Abigail and vows to make things just. “My wife will never die for me! I will bring your guts into your mouth but that goodness will not die for me!” (Miller 80). Proctor knows now that it is his responsibility to save his wife, and he must do anything it takes to do

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