
How Does Lincoln Use Ethos Pathos Logos In The Second Inaugural Address

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In the Second Inaugural address President Abe Lincoln, clarifies that our nation needs to pull close and for what we stand for freedom and peace. In honour of the Many Veterans that died for freedom.Abe Lincoln used literary devices to persuade the American nation that to end war we have to free the slaves . He used Ethos Pathos and logos as Solid Ground to deliver his statement. Abe Lincoln used ethos pathos and logos to support his claim that America needed a rebirth of freedom. Meaning that America was going through the loss of freedom to individuals and needed to evenly distribute freedom to all.Ethos is the Sources Credibility.Lincoln originally sided with the north but when he addressed the north and the south he acknowledged them as one which showed he saw them as one nation .There was a quote that stated with malice towards none ; with charity for all , it was a good example of Ethos because it is fair minded and the way Abe delivered the saying was with a firm tone and great deliverance to the audience he was speaking too. …show more content…

Abe used pathos while talking about offenses and that God controls whether the war goes on.” If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in providence of god, must needs come” (2nd Inaugural Address) ; he also to human emotion in the ending of the document when he encourages the nation to settle with peace and heal from the

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