
How Does Pi Maintain Faith

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How can a person still maintain their faith while stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for 227 days? How is it possible to not lose hope when everything and everyone you love vanishes? Throughout the entire novel of Life of Pi ,by Yann Martel, the main protagonist, Pi Patel, shows an utmost devotion to God, while practicing Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism simultaneously. Near the beginning of the novel, Pi informs the readers that his astonishing story will make them believe in God. Exemplifying this, the spiritual, young man uses his faith to keep him sane while in several life threatening scenarios. Through Pi’s many triumphs and struggles, it is made clear that a close relationship with God can bring strength and hope to deplorable situations. When Pi was a young boy, he began extensively reading about and researching different religions and their beliefs. This child’s interest in multiple faiths began to develop when he noticed that all of their potent narratives have the capability to add meaning and truth to life. One afternoon, while in conversation with his …show more content…

These rituals allow Pi to a maintain sense of tranquility for they, “give [him] comfort,” (208) throughout the entirety of his time on a lifeboat with starving animals. Prayer, he realizes, is the key to his survival, for he prays almost everyday. Even during the toughest circumstances, Pi understands that all of his trust needs to be placed in God’s hands in order to have the will to survive, for he says, “As long as God is with me, I will not die,” (148). This quote exemplifies Pi’s great amount of faith, because the average individual probably would’ve lost faith at this point. Nevertheless, despite all of his hardships while stranded at sea, Pi remained confident in his strong relationship with

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