
How Does Poe Create Suspense In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Edgar Allen Poe creates an atmosphere of horror/suspense in The Cask of Amontillado by using different types of irony. Poe uses verbal, situational, and dramatic all irony at different times in the story. He uses verbal irony when Montresor is telling Fortunato how he is worried about Fortunato’s health, he uses situational irony when he delays having Montresor kill Fortunato, and he uses dramatic irony when he has the audience know that Montresor want to kill Fortunato but not have Fortunato suspect anything; All together, the use of irony creates an atmosphere of horror/suspense. An example of a time when Poe uses irony is when Montresor toasts to Fortunato’s Health. Poe wrote, “[Fortunato] raised it to his lips with a leer. He paused and

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