
How Does Police Brutality Affect Our Society

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Police brutality has been around for over 20 years. Police are supposed to protect and serve the people. Some communities don’t feel safe around the higher authority. Majority of the heavy populated black communities are harassed the most by officers. 25% of police officers surveyed stated that they’ve witnessed fellow officers harassing a citizen “most likely because of his/her race.” Los Angeles leads with the highest number of police killings in 2014 over 24 million people been killed, and 16 million of those people were black/ Hispanic Latino. People are innocently killed by police every day. The race that is mainly getting killed in America are a little one sided. A study showed from 2003-09, blacks estimated at 3.66 million arrest/deaths have happened. While the white Americans come in at 0.9 million arrest/deaths. In a different study, whites have been killed by police than blacks, Bill O’ Reilly said on his program, “In 2012, 123 African Americans were shot dead by police. Same year, 326 whites were killed by police bullets.” …show more content…

Crime rates have risen and so have the tempers of people in our country. Large gatherings of people in different communities have all stood up to protest against police from Baltimore to various communities in New York and other communities as well. From the outside you would think these officers would get charged but sadly some have not. The officers in the past whom have killed innocent people would get either paid leave or they would resign and never to be heard from again. People and family members of these victims have taken notice of these actions and get angered by higher authority that would let these officers get away with their cruel and hated

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