
How Does Romans 15 Inform Us About Paul 's Strategy For The Nations?

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Name: Jordan Roberts
ACT Number: 201727668
Subject Name: Biblical Theology of Mission – EM203
Assessment Title: Assessment Task #2: Essay
Word Count Required: 2000
Word Count Actual (excludes references and bibliography): 1288
Due Date: 22/05/2017
Date Submitted: 22/05/2017

How does Romans 15 inform us …show more content…

So it is clear that Pauls mission is spoken directly from this over piling up of texts Pauls strategy is to bring the gospel to all the nations, all the people for the glory of God. Not just Gods original chosen people the Jews. Pauls strategy is to start of where Jesus Christ left off, to bring the news of the saviour to the Jews first and thusly to the Gentiles second – fulfilling the Old Testament Prophecies.
Paul’s geographical strategy for his mission to bring the gospel to the masses is shown throughout Romans 15 but looking directly at verses 18-19 there can be seen two elements that can summarise Pauls work. Paul confines his efforts to four provinces as he directs his work particularly to the Gentiles, he limits himself to the main section of the Roman world indicated in verses 19 "from Jerusalem round about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." These four provinces are the most populated and prosperous once at the time.
Paul then goes onto talk about in Romans 15, Why he chose large cities because they are strategic centres to spread the gospel. Pauls theory for mission was that to not do all the work by himself, but to preach and convert in strategic locations so that the gospel might then spread and push onwards to other states and provinces. By setting up

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