
How Does Scrooge Change In A Christmas Carol

Decent Essays

In A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, the main character, Scrooge, is heavily influenced by Tiny Tim. Scrooge is an old, selfish, misanthropic man who despises Christmas and all that comes with it; joy happiness, and coming together with family. He is visited by three spirits, the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet To Come, who try to change him for the better. During his experiences with these spirits, he watches over Tiny Tim. He is the son of Bob Crachit, Scrooge’s clerk. During the novella, Tiny Tim shows Scrooge the opposite of what he is, poor, close with family, and appreciative to help him develop into a kind, caring man.

Tiny Tim’s poor family is very influential to Scrooge. He and his family enlighten Scrooge on how families like them are living. Although Tiny Tim is poverty-stricken and ill, he hopes people see God in him. “He hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see” (St.3,10). During Christmas, Tiny Tim’s family can’t afford a turkey for dinner. Scrooge seeing this is a main reason for him developing into the man he is at the end of the story, where he …show more content…

He shows this at Christmas dinner. His family wasn’t able to afford the turkey they wanted, Tiny Tim is still thankful for what he has. This is another antithesis trait of Scrooge. Scrooge does not appreciate the people he has around him, or the plethora of things he possesses. Tiny Tim, on the other hand, does. An example of this is during their dinner when he says, “God bless us every one!” (St.3,12) After Scrooge notices this, he becomes more generous to other people. He shows this when he anonymously gives Tiny Tim’s family the turkey that they wanted, but couldn’t afford. Scrooge greatly improves his level of appreciativeness when he oversees how Tiny Tim is thankful for all he has around

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