
How Does Social Anxiety Disorder Effect the Routine of a Person?

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The idea of “social fear” goes back as early as 400 B.C. where Hippocrates described the overly shy person as someone who “thinks every man observes him.” Even Charles Darwin wrote about the physiology concerning blushing and shyness. The psychiatric term “social phobia” wasn’t used until the early 1900s. In 1994, the fourth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) was published and the term social anxiety disorder (SAD) replaced “social phobia.” Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a mental illness in which a person has an irrational fear of being watched, judged, evaluated, or of embarrassing themselves. It is the second most common type of anxiety disorder (after specific phobias). Anxiety and discomfort get so intense it interferes with daily functioning. Emotional symptoms of SAD include intense fear of situations where you don’t know other people, fear of situations where you will be judged, anxiety about being embarrassed or humiliated, a fear that others will notice your anxiety, and a dread of upcoming events weeks in advance. Physical symptoms include blushing, profuse sweating, trembling hands, muscle tension, and a racing heart. Since SAD tends to run in the family, researchers believe it’s likely that part of the underlying cause is genetics. Imbalances in brain chemistry have also been linked to SAD. Other causes of SAD are direct conditioning, observational learning, and information transfer. Upbringing, weather, and

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