
How Does Stereotypes Affect An Individual's Social Identity?

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With or without realizing it, every human being’s behavior is influenced one way or another by the environment that he or she is in. Everyone has their own backpack that is filled with different aspects that essentially make them who they are. These backpacks can also be referred to as one’s “cultural backpack.” It ultimately dictates the make up of every individual on the face of this planet. The concept of this “cultural backpack” makes up an individual’s social identity. This social identity can affect an individual both negatively and positively. Majority of the time one’s social identity is negatively affected and reinforced by stereotypes. A stereotype is a type of identity contingency and/or an assumption that is made about others due to an aspect of their identity. That’s when stereotype threat comes into the picture. Stereotype threat is the idea of a situational predicament being a contingency of a group’s identity and a real threat of judgement or treatment in the person’s environment that goes beyond any limitations within. (Steele, 59) It is a psychological phenomenon that gives rise to one’s fear that ultimately …show more content…

Negative stereotypes are ways in which people think about us, that are imposed on us from the outside, and originates as something that is external to our being, that may or may not be connected to reality depending on what people see as being negative. Stereotype threat is ultimately connected to negative stereotypes and is based on something external to an individual, whether it’s assumptions, or even stereotypes about he or she, etc. Stereotype threat is felt by those with high ability and who care a lot about their performance and not confirming the negative stereotypes that classify them. It can especially affect performance, resulting in the underperformance of areas related to the various

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