
How Does The West Egg Develop In The Great Gatsby

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The novel ‘ The Great Gatsby’ written by F.Scott Fitzgerald is about a rich and mysterious man, Jay Gatsby and his obsession for the charming and married woman, Daisy Buchanan. The Great Gatsby is set in the Long Island and New York city, the author used these two settings to develop the characters of Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan.

The Long Island has symbolized the division of the upper classes. It is divided into two areas known as the West Egg and the East Egg, the courtesy bay in between acts as a barrier that separated the two Eggs. Although both Eggs are identical in shapes and area and they both inhabited by upper classes, the two community have different values and had been separated into two communities.

The author used East Egg …show more content…

Although the citizens in the West Egg is also wealthy and consider as upper classes too, the old money is considered as the aristocracy whereas the new money is just some millionaires. The West egg citizens are described to be ostentation, garishness and flashy manner. Jay Gatsby is a representative of the new money in the novel. Gatsby was grown up on a poor farm in North Dakota. At age of 17 he left North Dakota, Gatsby left his home and met his first employer, Dan Cody. During the abandon of alcohol, Gatsby earned huge amount of money through bootlegging and committed other crimes. This made him becomes a millionaire and enters the society of the upper classes. Similar to any new money, Gatsby had personalities of extravagant and ostentation. ‘THERE was music from my neighbor's house through the summer nights.’ Every Saturday nights, Gatsby holds enormous parties until midnight and anyone able to freely to attends. ‘Every Friday five crates of orange lemons arrived…… every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door.’ The night before the party starts, Gatsby will buy lots of fresh fruits to produce fresh juice for his guest. In that time fresh fruits were extremely expensive. This shows Gatsby is rich and generous. On every party nights, the servants will decorate Gatsby’s garden with light ‘....enough colored lights to make a Christmas tree of Gatsby’s enormous garden. This shows Gatsby’s personality is extravagant because he was showing off his wealth through holding enormous and luxury parties for free. In Gatsby’s mansion, Gatsby never read his collection of books, he never worn his clothes from England and he never used the pool in his garden. Although Gatsby is rich as the Tom Buchanan and he had learned their manners, he could not fit himself into the lifestyle of aristocracy and learn their

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