
How Does Tim Hortons Impact On Canadian Culture

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Tim Hortons as a brand has been around since the 1970’s and has etched its name into Canadian lore through its sheer popularity and the impact it has had on Canadian culture. Almost as synonymous with Canada has things like hockey, maple syrup, and poutine, Tim Hortons is a prominent feature of the Canadian identity. Also, Tim Hortons has found a way to integrate itself into many different aspects of the Canadian culture. Including, being a staple of many Canadian’s everyday lives, with Tim Hortons cup being omnipresent at hockey rinks, schools, and workplaces. It is crazy how a brand has taken over almost all sections of Canada, with even small towns of Northern parts of the country boasting multiple Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons impact on Canadian …show more content…

Being the Most popular sport for most Canadians. One reason for Tims popularity is because of its tie to “Canada’s game”. Firstly, as mentioned earlier in my exhibit Tim Hortons was founded by a former NHL player Tim Horton, so that’s where the connections to hockey started. Since these roots have been reinforced by Tim Hortons ad campaigns with NHL superstars today like Sidney Crosby and Nathan Mackinnon being featured in them (Keyser). Having some of the country's most recognizable athletes endorsing Tim Hortons has led to a cultural tie that is rare between a fast food chain and a sport. Moreover, the country's youngest hockey players (known as Timbits) are sponsored by Tim Hortons (Bell). Being tied to the most popular sport has helped Tims grow in immense popularity that Canada has never seen …show more content…

Tim Hortons though is different, coffee isn’t produced in Canada like it is in places such as Brazil. Which begs the question how did Tim Hortons manage to become a staple of Canadian heritage? Well the answer lies in how it marketed itself to the regular everyday Canadian. A key part of the Canadian identity is the that of being hard working and being low key. When you look inside a Tim Hortons you see exactly that, mostly brown cups, and a brown aesthetic that seems like it is minding its own business. Unlike a company like Starbucks, Tim Hortons is not plagued by an urban pretentious because even in their locations in downtown metropolitan areas like Toronto, they keep their low key and quiet aesthetic (Cronack). Furthermore, Tim Hortons while embracing Canadian values does not out right announce itself as such. If they did announce themselves as “hard working” and “humble”, many canadians would not embrace it because many would feel that if you refer to yourself as humble you lose whatever humility that you had. So Tim Hortons decides to keep its mundane and humble aesthetic by just being there. They are just a coffee shop that is a part of everyday life for Canadians, no flash, no bells and whistles, just a coffee shop that's there everyday to serve your average everyday Canadian. In

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