
How Does Yann Martel Use Faith In Life Of Pi's Life

Decent Essays

The ultimate value of life depends upon awareness and the power of contemplation, but more importantly, the will to survive. It is the will to survive that establishes a sense of hope and that same hope develops a coping mechanism called faith. Faith can save one in many situations and it can make one’s appalling experiences bitterly satisfying. In Yann Martel’s Life Of Pi, the protagonist, Pi Patel, loses his family and homeland making him more faithful, which ultimately allows him to conquer his fears in the middle of the ocean, thus increasing his devotion towards his faith. Throughout his life, Pi struggles to survive yet manages to overcome many traumatic situations by using faith as a coping mechanism, which later allows him to heal from his losses. Pi loses his family and homeland, but he is able to find a deeper understanding of his values by being marooned in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Pi has lost everything thus he is able to better understand himself and his faith, because that makes his life more meaningful. When …show more content…

His faith in God proves to be a crucial part of his survival as it guides him through his traumatic experiences therefore, Pi utilizes his faith in God to obtain the required strength to survive independently in the Pacific Ocean. For example, when Pi is stranded alone in the ocean without any family or friends, he turns to God in order to cope with dreadful situations. Pi creates a list of the things which he can utilize for survival purposes, he includes “1 God” (146), into his survival manual. By adding God into a list of survival needs, Pi illustrates that he finds his faith to be an essential part of his survival and that his faith in God helps him conquer many hurdles in his way. Although his faith in God helps him survive during his time in the ocean, that same faith helps him assimilate back into

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