
How Does Your Company Create Competitive Advantage With Analytics : An Analysis

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be a full-blown analytical competitor yet. For SJU to be an analytical competitor, it will have to use analytics as the key element for all of its capabilities which is a far road ahead as a higher education institute. Saint Joseph’s seems to be an analytical organization in terms of foreseeing trends in enrollments and graduation rates, changing course content depending upon changing demands, providing more optimized class schedule depending upon registrations, keeping up with student achievements by continuously keeping track of student performances. There are some processes with in the university that may not be as analytically driven as they can be or should be for example the Support Processes that help run the operations process …show more content…

Most data-driven decisions are made through Analytics here at SJU. For example, I was recently involved in preparing the schedule for Department of Finance for fall semester and we used data analytics to do so. We ran a query that gave us a list of all students currently enrolled as Finance majors/minors. With this information, we could get the number of students and their classification of what year they were in. This information was then used to get the data about all the courses they have taken and what more courses they are required to take in the upcoming semester. With that information in hand, a schedule offering the required courses was prepared and resources were allocated.
Along with offering the courses that the students are required to take in their upcoming semester, the data queries that we run also gives us information about what program the students are enrolled in, example if they are enrolled in undergraduate day division or an evening program, whether it’s a PLS/HDC program or a graduate pharmacy program and any other programs that the university offers. This data will help in us to know what courses need to be offered during evening for students who are co-horts or enrolled in evening program. This is just one example of how SJU analyzes its data at one of the department level process. Analytics is being used continually to track student performance, course data,

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