
How Far Was Germany Responsible For World War 1 Research Paper

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In 1919 the allies decided to blame Germany after the extreme event of World War One completely after Germany’s defeat. There were many reasons and causes that lead to war such as militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. Each of these things were creating tension, however, the trigger of the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Although Germany did participate in causes of the war, many other countries did too. Therefore, Germany should not be blamed for starting World War One.
Germany contributed to the main causes of World War One through militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism, however, they were not entirely responsible for these causes and should not be accused of causing the war. Each of these factors contributed to the war greatly, such as when an arms race begun . Both …show more content…

Alliances were previously established before the war, such as Germany and Austria-Hungary’s dual alliance formed in 1879 . Italy joined the dual alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1882 and they were known as the triple alliance . The opposition team was called the triple entente which featured France, Great Britain, and Russia . These military ties brought many countries into the war and helped contribute to the causes of war. Imperialism was displayed throughout history when many European countries were continuously looking to expand their empires, especially within Africa and parts of Asia . The competition between the countries was increasing as they all wanted the resources and materials that the land could provide . The desire to expand their empires made conflict between countries and created further complications. Lastly, nationalism contributed to the war based on the wishes of the Slavic

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