
How Female Factory Workers Have Been Paid As The Contributive Costs

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his section concentrates on the contributive dimension of costs. It explores whether and how female factory workers have been paid as the contributive costs to economic growth in China. First, it focuses on the relationship between China’s economic growth and its exporting industry. Findings supported that the growth were mainly exports-led. Then it goes on to explore how female factory workers were formed to be cheap, smart and obedient labour to raise the competitiveness of China’s export capacity in the global market, contributing to the fast economic growth. These two parts interactively present a fact that female factory workers, instead of male workers or women in other sectors, are an dispensable force for driving China’s economic growth. They have borne the contributive costs for China’s economic growth. 3.1 Economic Growth and Export Industry in China The significant economic growth of China happened after China adopted Economic Reform and Opening-up Policy in 1978 (see Appendix 1). Under this policy, China opened its door to the foreign investment and began to emerge in the global market. Its economic system has since then been transformed from socialist economy into a capitalist economy (Szamosszegi and Kyle, 2011, p.4; Paltiel. 2009). If the period between the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 and the Reform in 1978 can be regarded as the first industrialisation process towards heavy industry monitored by central planning, then the

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