
How Has God's Plan Changed

Decent Essays

Has God's Plan changed? These texts reveal to us that although we have sinned and lost the image of God, God's redemptive plan in Christ is to transform us into the character of Christ in our character again. We were chosen before the foundation of the world not merely to be saved, but to be holy before God in all our ways of living. We have been called not only to have God as Father, but to be perfect as He.

What do you mean perfect? The term "perfect" in these texts is the translation of the Greek word "teleios", whose meaning does not refer to an absolute perfection. Teleios means: Complete, total, finished, finished; Which has fully developed distinctive characters. This means that God's plan is to edify us in all aspects of our life …show more content…

Humility of heart is the cornerstone of the construction and formation of the Christian character. Everything starts here. Sin began with the denial of this character trait - the pride of Lucifer, Adam and Eve in wanting to be like God. Blessed are those who know that there are no resources in them; That is what it means, there is no recourse, humble yourself before this truth, recognize it. Those are the kingdom of heaven. Pride, pride, vanity, arrogance, self-sufficiency are the corruption of this character trait. How vanity is hard to overcome! How difficult it is to say that something we struggle so hard to conquer is not really our merit, but God's! How, then, can we overcome pride and take on the first character trait Jesus said: "With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4: 2-3)

The Broken Spirit "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." (Mathew …show more content…

Its first part comes from the root of the word misery and from the other part derives the word heart. According to Cambridge English Dictionary, Mercy is kindness shown toward someone whom you have the right or power to punish. Mercy is the ability to experience or even to suffer with others. It can also be understood as a well-deserved but unapplied punishment. Ex. Debt forgiven.

The Purity of Heart "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." (Mathew 5:8) What is having a pure heart? In a very simplistic way, it is to have a heart that contains no impurities. In the spiritual aspect impurity brings the idea of sin. Therefore, a pure heart is a heart that is not defiled by sin. This character trait is not something that sets in instantly. It is a continually occurring process in the sincere heart that honestly relates to God. According to John Stott "The pure in heart are the most sincere. His whole life, public and private, is transparent before God and man. Your thoughts and motivations are pure, without mixing anything that is dishonest, sly and

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