
How Has Your Life Chance That Affected Your Parenting Style

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life chance that affected my parents’ parenting style was the local need for manual laborers. Both of my parents work hourly jobs. My mother has never been to school and my father went to technical school, became a mechanic, but later decided he didn’t like the profession and settled for a job at a local paper mill. In the town that I’m from people are praised for their work ethic and not their level of education. Individuals may go to college, but end up working jobs that have little to do with their education. This is mostly due to the limited amount of jobs that allow college grads to exercise their education. Since there is a greater need for laborers many families end up falling into the “working-class.” The citizen in my hometown view people especially men, who work in laboring fields as hard-workers, manly, and upstanding citizens. …show more content…

Working-class parents receive orders from those in higher positions at work and must obey those orders to retain employment. My parents told my sister and myself what they expected and believed we should act in accordance to the rules and regulations they gave us. Household chorus were not options but orders that must be fulfilled to avoid consequences. Reasoning with children was a taboo concept that I never witnessed in my family as well as other families growing up. As children we hardly if ever challenged the adults. We respected our elders and obeyed the rules that were in place no matter the setting just as our parent followed and obeyed orders from their superiors or supervisors. For my parents challenging authority could cost them their jobs which made them teach us to respect those in supervisory positions. Still to this day we respect authority and find ourselves emphasizing obedience in our own

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