
How I Did Not Care About Religion

Satisfactory Essays

Eric Morla
Professor Johnson
Humanities 1
27, April 2015
When I was in high school I can honestly say I did not care about religion. It is not that I did not believe in it, I just did not give it any attention. All I cared about was hanging out with my friends and going to parties. I was not living my life how I should have been. I would do stupid things trying to make myself look cool, and it was working I was getting the attention I wanted. I was so blind from stupidity I was not giving the Lord the attention he wanted. I was giving men and women more attention than God Now in a way I was living with a mindset that the more popular I was I would look like a god to others and it does not work like that. Now if we go back to Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia we can see similarities to my own life in the 21st century. They were all living by a religion known as polytheistic. Polytheistic religions believe in multiple gods not just one. Each of these civilization viewed religion and supernatural deities in a different way. Ancient Greece believed in preforming rituals and cult practice. They believed in multiple gods and goddesses like Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo. Zeus or Poseidon would intrude on the human’s lives. Ancient Egyptian was also a polytheistic religion. The Egyptians had interaction with the deities and they thought they were in control and forces of the elements of nature. They would do anything to make the gods happy. They performed

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