
How Is August Wilson A Complex Character

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A complex character is a character who develops throughout the story. They also contain many characteristics that may change throughout the story. Their change may be for the better or for the worse. A complex character is a character who develops throughout the story. They also contain many characteristics that may also change. Their change may be for the better or for the worse. In his play Fences, August Wilson creates a story about a man who’s relationship with his family starts to fade. The story takes place in 1953, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with the characters, Troy, Rose, Cory, Bono, and Lyons. Through the use of personification, irony, and symbolism, Wilson develops the complex character of Troy by exploring internal conflicts and relationships. There …show more content…

Unfortunately for Troy, he became who he most hated, Troy wanted to believe he hated his dad but still followed his footsteps. Furthermore, Troy received news that Alberta died having the baby which angered him, Troy started to shout out the window at “death” to “stay on the other side of that fence” (Wilson). Wilson is trying to demonstrate that Troy is not right in the head. Troy has characterized himself as delusional because he believes the “devil” is the one who killed Alberta. The internal conflicts behind the character are one way an author can develop their complexity, however there are other techniques. Through the use of motivations, August Wilson is able to provide information on Troy’s complexity as a character. For instance, when Troy is confronted with Cory’s question about liking him, Troy gets irritated and explains to Cory “A man got to take care of his family” (Wilson 38). Wilson demonstrates that Troy believes a man’s role in a family is to be a “provider”. Unfortunately, Troy really does believe he is in the right because since he “provides” for the family, everyone has to listen to

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