
How Is Celie Presented In The Color Purple

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In the novel, The Color Purple, a character by the name of Celie is described as being oppressed. She is oppressed throughout most of her life, especially as a child. She is constantly being put down by men that see or talk to her. However, Celie is strong-willed and that strength is channeled through how she deals with how she was treated while being backed by the people who respect her and unified through the love her and her sister share. Celie’s strength is signified from how the men treated her because every time they attacked her, verbally or physically, she took it and never gave it back. The first example you see is in the very beginning as it shows her father taking her baby and finding out that he took another before and they were both sired by him. Another example is when a character by the name Mister wanted to marry Celie’s sister Nettie but ended up with getting Celie because her father would not allow …show more content…

One of the characters that respects Celie is Shug. Shug’s respect adds to Celie’s strength because Shug is Mister’s girlfriend even though he and Celie are married. Celie’s strength is the fact that she does not care that they are together and still makes friends with Shug and to still have the ability to have Shug respect her. The other character that respected Celie is Sofia as Celie helped her when she needed it most. This shows Celie’s strength because Sofia was once mad at Celie for telling her husband to beat her and for Celie to be able to make up for it and get respect from Sofia shows that Celie is a trapped individual with spurts of life and getting out of her confinement. To have people respect her giving the circumstances she is in shows that she is stronger than people think and tells the reader that being oppressed does not mean you will not obtain a voice one

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