
How Is Corruption Shown In Animal Farm

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In all of recorded history, there has never been a time where a society has existed in absolute equality. George Orwell displays this truth through his book Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a fictitious novel that follows the story of animals that strive, but fail, to create and live in a truly equal society due to ingrained social statuses and corruption. Orwell’s Animal Farm-- a thinly veiled allegory for the Russian Revolution-- warns of the dangers blind acceptance and the allowance of unsupervised government, alongside its propaganda, can do. Orwell showcases how those in power can never be equal to those without due to their tendency towards corruption with his character Napoleon (a satirical symbol for Joseph Stalin) destroying what his people …show more content…

Napoleon, in a similar fashion as to how Stalin exiled Trotsky with his specialized police force, had cheated the animals on Animal Farm by eliminating his opponents. During a meeting with the animals, when Napoleon realized that the other animals were in favor of Snowball. he “[stands] up and, casting a peculiar look at Snowball, [utters] a high-pitched whimper of a kind that no one [has] ever heard him utter before. At this there [is] a terrible baying sound outside and nine enormous dogs… [dash] out straight for Snowball” (Orwell 67). By taking out his competitors, he is forcing the animals to choose him, as well as going against the very foundation of which Animalism was built upon. The Seven Commandments clearly state that “whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, in a friend” (Orwell 43). By exiling Snowball, Napoleon is boldly stating that Snowball is no longer his comrade and should not be treated as such. This disregard of the Seven Commandments clearly foreshadow the rest of Napoleon’s rule. The pig’s corruption is shown in another incident involving the ‘working class’ of the farm. Like the farmers did not want to give up their farms, the hens did not want to give up their eggs; however, Napoleon continues to demand that the hens give up their eggs so that more grain and meal could be bought, but fails …show more content…

Animal Farm by George Orwell warns against the blind acceptance and allowance of an unsupervised government and its propaganda. Although it is impossible to create a perfectly equal society, a society that permits everyone to possess the same basic rights and opportunities should be strived towards. Although it is easy to recognize the grotesque misconduct that Stalin and Napoleon create and allow for what it is, a society does not have to be as corrupted as theirs to be inefficient or unjust. Citizens must constantly be aware of and question the government and its leaders, while not idly standing by as corruption exposes

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