
How Is Heathcliff A Dynamic Character

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One of the strongest yet most broken types of people in this world are orphans, the ones who grew up without parents to teach the ways of the world to them. Very few are so lucky to find families of their own, and when they do, they are incredibly improved or perilously worse. In the case of Wuthering Heights, the unfortunate orphan is the character, Heathcliff. Growing up, he was treated with respect and care from his father, Mr. Earnshaw, like he was his own son, and later was treated like a close friend by his adoptive sister and love interest, Catherine. However, his adoptive brother, Hindley, was nothing but discourteous, derogatory, and ghastly towards him. Upon being bequeathed the mansion and the treasures from his father, Hindley immediately began to treat Heathcliff as nothing more than a gypsy and a stable boy; no respect, no care, and no love. Heathcliff’s character style is very static. Regardless of being raised by a father who cared for him, he was always …show more content…

The owner of the estate, Mr. Earnshaw, would have him be raised in his family, as if he were his own son. As they age, his siblings only treat him with disrespect and hatred, until Catherine begins to take a liking to them. The two adolescents fall in love, and spend their life in torment because of it; their love is cursed. When the father dies, his biological son, Hindley, inherits Wuthering Heights and the family’s fortune. Heathcliff is then forced to become the family’s servant. Catherine then marries into a family known as the Lintons so she could be a part of a wealthy, civilized family, but she does not realize what this does to Heathcliff. Heathcliff then spends the rest of his days deceptively taking everything away from both the Earnshaws and the Lintons, and becoming the suzerain of both territories and

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