
How Is Iago Successful In Corrupting Othello's Mind

Decent Essays

Iago is successful in corrupting Othello’s mind by inducing a false situation to turn Othello insane. Othello has become insecure about his commitment to Desdemona as the play progresses. When he hears Iago say “In sleep, I heard [Cassio] say ‘sweet Desdemona, Let us be wary, let us hide our loves!’” (3.3.475-476), Othello starts to worry and lets his emotions take over, saying “I’ll tear her all to pieces!” (3.3.490). He is overcome by anger because he believes that Cassio dreamt about Desdemona and now wants to kill Cassio because he is allowing Desdemona to cheat on Othello. However, Othello also wants Desdemona killed in order to make sure that the cheating woman does not sleep with anyone else. This scenario does not turn Othello fully

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