
How Is Johnny Cade Abused

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Johnny Cade was a 16 year old greaser. In the beginning, he was like a kicked puppy, because of his dark and empty eyes and shyness, and being beat and neglected by his parents his whole life.. In the middle of the story, he saved Ponyboy when Bob came. He got hurt when he was saving kids from a burning church. Then at the end before he died, he spoke valuable words to Ponyboy. Johnny went from shy kid to a brave hero in The Outsiders. When the story was starting, Ponyboy says, “If you can picture a little dark puppy that had been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you'll have Johnny" (Hinton 1). When S.E Hinton described him in those terms because of Johnny’s dark eyes and black hair and shyness. His dark eyes were filled with fear basically all the time. His parents abused and neglected him him whole life; the only people who cared about him are the greasers. He does not really talk much until the middle and the end of the book. …show more content…

Johnny said, “I killed him," he said slowly. "I killed that boy” (Hinton 56). From there, things really just went downhill. If Bob did not go onto greaser territory and try to drown Ponyboy, he probably would have died in a different way, because he beat Johnny for no reason; they might have just killed Bob to stop him from hurting them (everyone) again. Bob got himself killed. Him and Ponyboy then went to Dally to get $50, a gun; warm, dry clothes. They went to the abandoned church in Windrixville to hide until Dally came. Although Johnny killed someone, he was a hero when Ms. O'bryant lost her children in a burning church. He died from a beam that landed on his

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