
How My Cousin Came To America

Decent Essays

My cousin came to the United States in the year of 2009. He is about two years older than me, and was a great person. Every time I visited the Dominican Republic, he would always show love no matter what. But once he arrived to America, everything changed. He would never be home; he would always be out in the streets. He wouldn’t tell anybody where he’d go, he would just arrive home at midnight. They would ask him questions and he just wouldn’t answer. Nobody did anything about it, not even his father.
My cousin was also a high school student at John F. Kennedy which is near my high school. The funny thing is, he would go to a school near me, yet I would never see him. I always wondered where he’d go. Eventually, he decided school wasn’t for him and consequently dropped out. I was in shock; I didn’t expect this to happen. Although he would hardly go to school, I would’ve never thought that he would just drop out. I feel like had I motivated him to stay in school and stay off the streets he would’ve been better off. But, this changed me as well. …show more content…

I was always the class clown and would never receive satisfactory grades on my report card. For a short period of time, I was the “disappointment” in the family. But after watching what my cousin went through, I realized that dropping out wasn’t an option. My cousin motivated me to change my ways in school and work harder. Although I had wished he never dropped out of high school and instead excel in an institution of higher learning, he turned me into a better student. Him dropping out made me realize I didn’t want to end up gangbanging in the streets, I would rather excel in academics and eventually attend an institution of higher learning. I made attending a four-year university my goal for the next four years of high school and I eventually accomplished that goal as I am now attending Syracuse

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