
How Not To Get Into College By Alfie Kohn Analysis

Decent Essays

Alfie Kohn’s Article “How Not to get into College” analyses many key factors of how the current school system does not work and how we as members of society need to work together extensively to remodel the system to ensure the success of future students by valuing education over grades. By looking at how students only join clubs and and worship numerical grades only to impress colleges; students facing pressure from parents, teachers, and society to get good grades and succeed in life; and how students live through many mental health implications due to a multitude of factors surrounding their educational life, we can determine that systemic factors of this society have turned students of this generation into grade grubbers.

The first problems discussed is how students are ignoring hobbies and things they truly enjoy and instead doing things only to impress colleges and improve their marks. For example, in paragraph 7 Kohn states “They were joining clubs without enthusiasm because they thought membership would look impressive. They were ignoring – or perhaps, by now, even forgetting – what they enjoyed doing.” This quote shows how students, especially during senior year are stressed to do well …show more content…

The fact that many students like me join clubs and get good grades to only impress universities, face pressure from parents, teachers and society, yet still deal with mental health problems. These issues have played a major role in my educational life, and have led me to conclude that we as a society need to reform the education system and change the ideologies of society and how it values education to prevent the future generations of students from facing such affairs in their

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